React Advance

01. Accessibility

2 min readJun 3, 2021

web accessibility means In web site use some tools and technology for disabled people and CEO friendly. Some tools we can use very easily like using a semantic tag, clear language, use heading tag, etc. semantic tag like heder tag, section tag, main tag, aside tag, footer tag, etc. using clear language that can read any screen reader softer. using heading tag, in HTML have (h1-h6) six heading tag and using this tag serial by serial like if you will go up to down at first you use h1 tag and after h2,h3, h4, h5, h6, and you can be you any h1 tag just for one time.

02. Code-splitting

Code splitting is all code make divide some bundle. code splitting help to you easy to read, access, lazy to load, support third-party tools, manage important filet, etc. For code-splitting, you can use some tools like web-pack, Rollup, Browserfy. It’s also supported out of the box in Next.js.

03. Context

Context provides pass data essay way. react-app pass data by props parent to child component level to level. but context can pass data anywhere in the app if you have used any component. it’s made to code essay.

04 Error Boundaries

Error boundaries is a react component catch error anywhere in their child component and get feedback. in any react application error brack whole crash app that gets confused user it’s not good in this time the error boundaries catch the error and give feedback about the error that helps the user to understand the problem. it works like a try-catch block.

05 Forwarding refs

Forwarding refs is automatic data passing technique through the component to one of the child components. this is typically not necessary for most components of the application. we can not create a Forwarding ref in functional components. refs are not a prop.

06 Fragment

The fragment is a common pattern in react. The react component returns a single element but if you want to return multiply elements by using a fragment. it’s easy to use. you just start element <React.Fragment> and end </React.Fragment> .

07 Higher-order-component

when we make a application some times we have to a function many times use in many component that time we need to use higher order component . Higer order component is a function that teke component and return new component.

